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Rebekah Webb

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    3 matches found.
  • New Toy Idea - My First Autopsy
    By Rebekah Webb
    (SNN) - Kids love to learn things, especially when it’s hands on. Well, I had the idea for the perfect toy idea: My First Autopsy. I mean, we have toys letting kids pretend to be firefighters, doctors, even cashiers. But nothing for kids who want to be a forensic pathologist. They have to cut open their stuffed toys, which just leads to time outs and trips to a shrink. And what about the children who will never realize their calling...

  • The Cow Diet Craze That is Sweeping the Nation
    'Oh My Cud!"

    By Rebekah Webb
    (SNN) - I’m a proud franchise owner of Cow Diet Inc. Have you tried every diet out there? Has the South Beach Diet left you high and dry? Did the Atkins Diet wine you and dine you, then never call? Did the Cabbage Soup Diet beat up your best friend and steal your lover? Well, I have the answer for you. The Cow diet is a revolutionary way to eat that not only melts the pounds away, but makes your hair silky smooth and gets rid of chronic...

  • Directional Rights - Moving Forward
    By Rebekah Webb
    (SNN) - “There comes a time in every man’s life when he has to stand up for what’s right.” I’ve heard that so often, but it seems a little sad. We stand up for what’s right, but not what’s left or what’s backwards, or what’s upside down. Why should one direction be put above all others? If behind ended up being bullied by front and center, I bet it would want us to stand up for it. And...

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